1) Rehearsal/Mass Dates/Times: Weekly rehearsals will be held on their usual day/time of THURSDAYS from 7:30 - 9:00 pm. *Rehearsals begin THIS upcoming Thursday, September 24th, 2020.* Mass participation will begin on Sunday, October 18th @ 12:00pm. Each small choir of 3-4 participants will be set up on a rotating basis to sing at the 12noon Sunday masses. This rotating schedule, if needed, will be generated and distributed once we see how many participants we have.
2) Rehearsal Arrival: On rehearsal Thursdays, participants are to enter at the main doors of the church, masked, while they wait for Mary, the Director of Music, to check their temperature, via a contact-free thermometer, provided by OLQP Church. If any participant has an elevated temperature or signs of ANY ILLNESS, they will be asked not to participate and to head home and rest, in hopes they will be well enough to participate the following week. It's important that everyone arrive on time, as I will not be able to come back out to scan foreheads once rehearsals have begun. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in these matters. (It also might be more prudent that if you're feeling even remotely unwell that you err on the side of caution and remain home to rest and get well!)
3) Rehearsal Space: Once the participants are inside, they are welcome to use hand sanitizer if they so choose. They will then be arranged in their designated and thoroughly spaced seating arrangements. Then, rehearsals will be run like they normally would. We will be keeping the windows open and fans on for as long as we possibly can to ensure proper ventilation, so it's imperative that the participant be dressed appropriately.
4) Rehearsal Dismissal: I ask that the participants exit through the SIDE DOORS of the church, as they do at all current indoor masses.
5) Music/Materials Needed: We are unable to use our hymnals at this time, as to avoid many hands touching the same thing. Again, the recurring theme is all about lessening the spread of germs. At each rehearsal, the choir members will be provided with music for the appropriate liturgies to place into their own personal binder. It is advised that they each bring their own pencil for notes and markings as well, as they will not be provided at this time. I might occasionally email a PDF of music that will need to be printed and added to your binder, but I will do my best in general to keep this to a minimum.
6) Sign Up Sheet: PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SIGN UP FOR ADULT CHOIR! The form may be found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexafIHUQxV0w7zUa8Oz2Nq1-6awCRSN24rvphiuLiOf4KGyw/viewform