At Our Lady Queen of Peace, we support the Right to Life from conception to natural death as a right found in the Divine and Natural Laws. Our Right to Life ministry seeks to provide: advocacy for the most vulnerable, the child in the womb; healing for those who have had an abortion or have participated in abortions; and, through prayer and peaceful protest, we seek the end of this atrocity committed against innocent human life. Furthermore, we seek to provide assistance to women in crisis pregnancies so that they can choose life and not death.
The Pro-Life message seeks to raise awareness of the intrinsic dignity, value and preciousness of all human life, in all of its stages and circumstances. While the primary assault on the dignity and right to life is abortion, we also seek an end to all other “legal” actions that denigrate human life: Euthanasia, certain forms of In Vitro Fertilization, Embryonic Stem-Cell Research, Cloning, etc. and we seek to inform people about these assaults to human dignity.
If you are interested in getting involved with our Right to Life apostolate, please contact Mr. & Mrs. Jim and Mary Flaherty.
Post-abortion Healing through Lumina 1-877-586-4621
Countless women and men have reached healing through Lumina, a post abortion ministry of Good Counsel. Lumina’s services include group programs, referrals to professional therapists, post-abortion ministries, and clergy members trained in post abortion stress.
Lumina also holds separate retreats for siblings of aborted babies and those who aborted because of an adverse diagnosis. A network of women and men, who have walked through the pain of abortion, are also ready to accompany you through the darkness and into the joy of a renewed life.
Lumina Website
Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.
Rachel's Vineyard can help you to find your inner voice. It can help you experience God's love and compassion on a profound level. It creates a place where men and women can share, often for the first time, their deepest feelings about abortion. You are allowed to dismantle troubling secrets in an environment of emotional and spiritual safety.
Rachel's Vineyard is therapy for the soul. Participants, who have been trapped in anger toward themselves or others, experience forgiveness. Peace is found. Lives are restored. A sense of hope and meaning for the future is finally re-discovered.
Rachel's Vineyard Website:
or call toll-free 1-877-HOPE-4-ME