Dear Volunteer,
We are so grateful that you are willing to share your time and talent with your parish and to the benefit of our parish family! In order to provide for a safe and healthy environment for our parish family to thrive, all volunteers are required to complete the Protecting God's Children program and to sign our Diocesan Pastoral Code of Conduct.
A volunteer is anyone who is eighteen (18) or older and freely offers to take part in the activites or endeavors of the parish, such as but not limited to: Parish Finance Council, Parish Pastoral Council, Religious Education Catechists, Summer Camp Volunteers, Youth Ministry, Music Ministry, Readers, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Ushers,
Bible Study coordinators, Food Pantry Volunteers, Money Counters, Office Volunteers and anyone else who in any way or at any time volunteers at the parish and has contact with minor children in accord with diocesan policy.
I thank you for your cooperation and appreciate all that you do to help build-up our parish and provide for a safe environment where we can all thrive in our growth in faith, hope and love.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Philip-Michael